Sign Pivot to Peace’s statement on the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique

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On February 28, 1972, President Richard Nixon and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai issued the Shanghai Communique at the end of the American president’s path-breaking visit to the People’s Republic of China. As we mark the 50th anniversary of this historic breakthrough in the relationship between our countries it is a time to recall and reaffirm the guiding principles which were established in the bilateral statement agreed to by both sides.

While acknowledging that the United States and China have separate and distinct social systems and foreign policies, both countries committed themselves to “…conduct their relations on the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, non-aggression against other states, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.” Each side set out its position concerning the outstanding issues between them. Both clearly stated their views on the crucial question of the status of Taiwan. The United States declared that it “…acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.” This remains the binding obligation of the American government.

In recent years, even as the American people have faced increasing economic hardships, as we saw the painful ending of long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as climate change has generated devasting weather events, and as our health care system has struggled to cope with the ravages of Covid-19, the United States government has moved rapidly to adopt an increasingly antagonistic posture towards China, diverting resources from much-needed programs at home while expanding an already bloated military budget.

In 2011 President Obama announced the “Pivot to Asia” aimed at encircling and containing China. During the tenure of Donald Trump, the United States adopted the official position that its military must prioritize planning for major power conflict with the Peoples Republic. This position has not shifted since President Biden took office. Central to US war plans in Taiwan. This constitutes a reckless abandonment of the core principles of a policy adopted by the United States fifty years ago when the normalization of relations between China and the US began in earnest. The Trump administration further pursued its hostile stance by promoting a “trade war” which has hurt American consumers and done little to address the problems facing the U.S. economy. The Biden administration has if anything become even more aggressive in its rhetoric and actions, secretly sending military forces to Taiwan, engaging in various provocative maneuvers in the Taiwan Strait, and violating both the letter and the spirit of the Shanghai Communique by interfering in the internal affairs of China in many ways.

As Americans believing that it is better to seek peace than to promote war, and that the interests of our people will be better served by policies of cooperation with China in a quest for a mutually beneficial future in economic development, addressing climate change, and reducing the global menace of militarism and armed conflict, we call upon American political leaders of both parties, in the White House and in Congress, to publicly affirm their respect for the principles embodied in the Shanghai Communique, to turn away from a path which leads to confrontation, and reorient America’s relationship with China in a positive, constructive direction. Withdraw US troops from Taiwan, cease provocations in the Taiwan Strait, and allow the question of Taiwan to be resolved by the Chinese people on both sides of the Strait themselves, without outside interference and manipulation.

Join us for events in San Francisco and Washington D.C. on the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique demanding Peace, not war with China. Click on an event below to RSVP:

Initial Signers of the Pivot to Peace Shanghai Communique Statement

1. Ding Bong Lee, Board of Directors of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

2. Committee to Promote Reunification of China

3. Ann Wright, Veterans For Peace, Hawaii Chapter 113, Chapter coordinator

4. Eric Mar, Asian American Studies, SF State University, Emeritus Professor

5. Gerald Belsky, Schiller Institute, Outreach Task Force

6. Gerald Pass, U S-China People’s Friendship Assn.

7. Gerry Condon, Veterans for Peace, Past President

8. Jodie Evans, CODEPINK, co-founder

9. Joseph Essertier, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Associate professor

10. Michael Wong, Veterans For Peace China Working Group, Co-chair, Veterans For Peace China Working Group

11. Adrian Swanston, Organised Labour #500, Certified Heavy Duty Mechanic

12. Alan Batten, Treasurer


14. Andreas Kolar, Artcoli SAS, President

15. Andrew Lee

16. B. Keith Brumley, Veterans for Peace

17. Bai Bee Yeh, AARP

18. Ben Kroup, United Peoples

19. Bernard Elias, Just Say No to Work Yes to Art

20. Betty Kano, JAWAUCB

21. Bevan Ramsden, IPAN

22. Charles Byrne

23. Chienfan Yu, Globalfoundries, PMTS

24. Chin Seah, Structural Engineer

25. Christian Féard

26. Christina Leung

27. Claudia Karas, Dissolve NATO

28. Colin Man

29. Dawit Afework, Transport

30. David Cooley, Veterans for Peace

31. David Hartsough, Peaceworkers, Director

32. David Scheidt, Durham Central Park Cohousing Community

33. David Stupin

34. David Tay, Mintmark, Managing Director

35. Denise Lytle

36. Donald Ross

37. Douglas Ryder, Veterans for Peace, Eisenhower Chapter


39. erdman palmore, Veterans for Peace, Eisenhower Chapter

40. Eric Meyer

41. Francis Collins, Veterans for Peace

42. Frank Kehl, US-CX, INC, President

43. Fred Perkins, Fred Perkins, Rtd

44. George Koo, Freschfield LLC, Commentator

45. Gregory Leung, California Public Health

46. Guiru Nash Liu, Caterpillar

47. HB Ooi, Elev8 Living PTE. Ltd.

48. Heather Cantino

49. Hilda Richey

50. Hsi Chou, Counterpoint International LLC

51. Iris Edinger, Retired LAUSD, Retired LAUSD teacher

52. James Williams, Veterans for Peace, Member

53. Jan Ellis

54. jannan lee

55. JEAN CHEUI HSUNG, Medtronic Inc, Principal Firmware Engineer(retired)

56. Jeffery Hull, CODEPINK

57. Jenn Yeh

58. Jilan Su, Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China, Honorary Director

59. Jim Bearden, Sky Pilot Software, Software Developer

60. Joan Chow

61. john womack, harvard university, professor emeritus

62. Jon Anderholm, Xun Biosphere Project, forester

63. Jonathan Smith, NLP

64. Jonathan Squire, NHS, IT Engineer

65. Joyce Hall, Pax Christi Dallas, Local Dallas, TX coordinator

66. Judith Bello, United National Antiwar Coalition, Administrative Committee Member

67. judith sandoval, Veterans for Peace

68. Kaiching Chu

69. Kenneth Mayers, Veterans for Peace, Santa Fe Chapter Secretary

70. Kenny Chin, Chin Family Foundation

71. KilSang Yoon, KANCC

72. Kim Eng Kpp, Rocky Mount Racial justice

73. Kit Baril, ANSWER Coalition, Organizer

74. Lauren Gonitzke, CODEPINK

75. Leona, Stucky-Abbott, Listening Sage Associates

76. Leonie Rushforth, Retired teacher

77. Lynn Sy

78. Madison Tang, CODEPINK

79. Marcy Gordon, Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change

80. margaret peeples, Veterans for Peace

81. Mark Reisinger, Binghamton University, Associate Professor

82. Martha Hubert, CODEPINK

83. Martha Rich, Fairbanks Peace Choir, President

84. Mary Ann Maikish, Retired from Bellevue Hospital

85. Mei Lam, Coalition for Peace

86. Mei Mei Chan, ANSWER Coalition

87. Melissa Sachs, PSL

88. Mike Caggiano, Peace Action of San Mateo County, President

89. Mike Casey, Teacher

90. Mumtaz Shaik

91. Nadya Williams, Veterans For Peace, San Francisco Chapter 69, Director of Communications

92. Nettie McGee

93. Nicholas Coti, State of Alaska

94. Paul Cox, Veterans For Peace, San Francisco Chapter 69, Founder and Secretary

95. Paul Greenberg, IUPAT LOCAL 510

96. Paul Pumphrey, Friends Of The Congo

97. peggy dobbins, Fund For Reparations Now, board member

98. Philip Nash, IIT

99. philip noyce, Mass Peace Action/VFP

100. Philman Wu, Retiree

101. Rachel Clark, Veterans for Peace, Interpreter/Global Coordinator

102. Raymond Chu, Raymond Chu, Sunnyvale, Dentist

103. Richard Ochs, Baltimore Peace Action, Chairman

104. Richard Rothschiller

105. Robert Kolkebeck

106. Robert RICHARD, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 35, PO-2 USNR

107. Roberta Stern, Therapists for Peace & Judgement

108. Roland Hahnel, University of Western Australia

109. Roland Verrier

110. Ron Carver, Campaigns for Social Justice, Executive Director

111. Roy Birchard, Fellowship of Reconciliation

112. Sally-Alice Thompson, Veterans for Peace

113. Sherri Maurin, Veterans for Peace

114. Simon Korner, Teacher

115. Simon Leung, Ca DHCS, Pharmacist

116. SIU HIN LEE, China-US Solidarity Network, National Coordinator

117. Stephen Ng, Propnex, Real Estate

118. Stephen Roddy, Professor

119. tarak Kauff, Peace & Planet News, Editor in Cheif

120. Tehlin Chen, Baodiao Forum, retiree

121. Temay So, CODEPINK

122. Thomas Westheimer, Nhpa

123. Tim Beal

124. Timothy Havel, Massachusetts Peace Action

125. To Shing

126. Tom McGuire

127. Tony Chiok

128. Wemin Chow

129. William Dere

130. Winston Liang, AT&T, Mr. Winston Liang

131. Yeow Aun Lim

132. Yu Hwong, USNC, Physician

133. YUEN NG

134. Zach Farber, ANSWER Coalition, Organizer