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Mission Statement

We are concerned Americans from all walks of life who have come together in opposition to the dramatically increasing drive toward confrontation between the United States and China.

We have witnessed a profoundly disturbing reorientation of US military and foreign policy that identifies China as a competitor and adversary. The new military doctrine of the Pentagon has prioritized preparation for “major power conflict” in the coming years. This dangerous reorientation has impacted consciousness in the United States on many levels such that a palpable feeling of fear, animosity and even hatred has been generated not only toward the People’s Republic of China but toward Chinese people in general, Chinese-American citizens and other Asian peoples in the United States.

The so-called Pivot to Asia, which was announced in 2011, has developed into a pivot toward war and confrontation.

We have created the Pivot to Peace to insist that the government and mass media turn away from the anti-China Cold War. This new Cold War has taken on a life of its own. It needs to end.

We have launched a new effort called Pivot to Peace to educate and mobilize public opinion about the benefits of a policy that facilitates cooperation and mutual respect between the United States and China.

Pivot to Peace is a coalition of Americans, ranging from military veterans, public sector workers, professors, healthcare professionals, public officials, legal professionals and others who are concerned about the future of relations between our country and China. We reject the escalation towards global conflict and instead urge peace and cooperation with China. We believe in the fair and open communication of information about China, its economic, social, and political affairs, free of the biases and distortions which dominate much of mainstream media in the United States. We support the frank exchange of views based on facts and evidence, rather than fear mongering and the revival of old racist stereotypes and Cold War political bugbears. We want to build support for peace and prosperity and a shared future of mutually beneficial development for both the American and Chinese people. We believe that friendship and engagement between our countries is the better path towards that future.



2011年公佈的重返亞洲政策,已經發展為重返戰爭、重返衝突。我們的「重返和平」行動,旨在倡導政府不再從事反中冷戰, 大眾媒體亦無須從旁煽風點火,新的冷戰正逐漸蘊釀,必須盡快停止。




2011年公布的重返亚洲政策,已经发展为重返战争、重返冲突。我们的“重返和平”行动,旨在倡导政府不再从事反中冷战, 大众媒体亦无须从旁煽风点火,新的冷战正逐渐蕴酿,必须尽快停止。


Pivot verso la Pace
Dichiarazione di Missione

Siamo americani di ogni estrazione sociale. Esprimiamo la nostra forte preoccupazione e assoluta opposizione alla spinta crescente verso lo scontro tra Stati Uniti e Cina.

Abbiamo assistito a un riorientamento profondamente inquietante della politica militare ed estera degli Stati Uniti che identifica la Cina come concorrente e avversario. La nuova dottrina militare del Pentagono ha dato la priorità alla preparazione del “grande conflitto di potere” nei prossimi anni. Questo pericoloso riorientamento ha influenzato la coscienza negli Stati Uniti su molti livelli in modo tale da generare un palpabile sentimento di paura, animosità e persino odio non solo verso la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, ma verso i cinesi in generale, i cittadini cinese- americani e altri popoli asiatici negli Stati Uniti.

Il cosiddetto Pivot verso l’Asia, annunciato nel 2011, si è trasformato in un pivot verso la guerra e lo scontro.

Abbiamo creato il Pivot verso la Pace per insistere sul fatto che il governo e i mass media devono allontanarsi dalla Guerra Fredda anti-cinese. Questa nuova Guerra Fredda ha assunto una vita propria. Deve finire.

Abbiamo avviato una nuova iniziativa chiamata Pivot verso la Pace per educare e mobilizzare l’opinione pubblica sui vantaggi di una politica che facilita la cooperazione e il rispetto reciproco tra gli Stati Uniti e la Cina.

Il Pivot verso la Pace è una coalizione di americani, che include veterani militari, lavoratori del settore pubblico, professori, professionisti sanitari, funzionari pubblici, professionisti legali e altri che sono preoccupati per il futuro delle relazioni tra il nostro paese e la Cina. Rifiutiamo l’escalation verso il conflitto globale e raccomandiamo invece la pace e la cooperazione con la Cina. Crediamo nella comunicazione equa e aperta delle informazioni sulla Cina, i suoi affari economici, sociali e politici, libera dai pregiudizi e dalle distorsioni che dominano gran parte dei media tradizionali negli Stati Uniti. Sosteniamo lo scambio aperto di opinioni basato su fatti e prove, piuttosto che l’incussione di paura e il rilancio di vecchi stereotipi razzisti e insulti politici della Guerra Fredda. Vogliamo costruire un supporto per la pace, prosperità e un futuro di sviluppo condiviso e reciprocamente vantaggioso sia per il popolo americano che per quello cinese. Crediamo che l’amicizia e l’impegno tra i nostri paesi sia la strada migliore verso quel futuro.

Pivot to Peace Leitbild

Wir sind besorgte US-Amerikaner aus allen Lebensbereichen, die sich gegen den dramatisch zunehmenden Drang zur Konfrontation zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und China zusammengeschlossen haben.

Wir erleben eine zutiefst beunruhigende Neuausrichtung der US-Militär- und Außenpolitik, die China als Konkurrenten und Gegner identifiziert. Die neue Militärdoktrin des Pentagon hat der Vorbereitung auf den „Großmachtkonflikt“ in den kommenden Jahren Priorität eingeräumt. Diese gefährliche Neuorientierung hat das Bewusstsein in den Vereinigten Staaten auf vielen Ebenen beeinflusst, so dass ein spürbares Gefühl von Angst, Feindseligkeit und sogar Hass nicht nur gegenüber der Volksrepublik China, sondern gegenüber Chinesen im Allgemeinen, den chinesisch-amerikanischen Bürgern und anderen asiatische Bevölkerungsgruppen die in den USA leben.

Der 2011 angekündigte sogenannte Pivot to Asia hat sich zu einem Pivot in Richtung Krieg und Konfrontation entwickelt.

Wir haben den Pivot to Peace geschaffen, um darauf zu bestehen, dass sich Regierung und Massenmedien vom Kalten Krieg gegen China abwenden. Dieser neue Kalte Krieg hat ein Eigenleben angenommen. Es muss enden.

Wir haben eine neue Initiative namens Pivot to Peace gestartet, um die öffentliche Meinung über die Vorteile einer Politik zu informieren und zu mobilisieren, die die Zusammenarbeit und den gegenseitigen Respekt zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und China erleichtert.

Pivot to Peace ist eine Koalition von US-Amerikanern, die sich aus Militärveteranen, Arbeitern des öffentlichen Sektors, Professoren, Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe, Beamten, Juristen und anderen Berufen zusammensetzt, die sich Sorgen über die Zukunft der Beziehungen zwischen unserem Land und China machen. Wir lehnen die Eskalation zu einem globalen Konflikt ab und fordern stattdessen Frieden und Zusammenarbeit mit China. Wir glauben an die faire und offene Kommunikation von Informationen über China, seine wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Angelegenheiten, frei von Vorurteilen und Verzerrungen, die einen Großteil der Mainstream-Medien in den USA dominieren. Wir unterstützen den offenen Meinungsaustausch auf der Grundlage von Fakten und Beweisen, anstatt Angst vor Täuschung und der Wiederbelebung alter rassistischer Stereotypen und politischer Schreckgespinste des Kalten Krieges. Wir wollen Unterstützung für Frieden und Wohlstand und eine gemeinsame Zukunft der für beide Seiten vorteilhaften Entwicklung sowohl für das amerikanische als auch für das chinesische Volk schaffen. Wir glauben, dass Freundschaft und Engagement zwischen unseren Ländern der bessere Weg in diese Zukunft sind.

Barışa Pivot
Misyon Bildirisi

Biz, ABD ile Çin arasındaki ihtilafa yönelik dramatik bir şekilde artan çabaya muhalif olarak, toplumun her kesiminden bir araya gelmiş endişeli Amerikalılarız.

ABD askeri ve dış politikasının son derece rahatsız edici bir şekilde Çin’i rakip ve düşman olarak tanımlayan bir yön değişilliğine tanık olmaktayız. Pentagon’un yeni askeri doktrini, önümüzdeki yıllarda “büyük güç çatışması” için hazırlanmaya öncelik veriyor.

Bu tehlikeli yön değişimi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde kamu bilincini birçok düzeyde etkileyerek, sadece Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’ne karşı değil, genel olarak Çin halkına, ABD’deki Çin-Amerikan vatandaşlarına ve diğer Asyalılara yönelik elle tutulur bir korku, düşmanlık ve hatta nefret duygularının oluşmasına neden oldu.

2011 yılında ilan edilen sözde Asya Pivotu, savaş ve çatışmaya doğru bir pivota dönüştü.

Biz, hükümetin ve kitle iletişim araçlarının Çin karşıtı Soğuk Savaş’tan uzaklaşmasında ısrar etmek için Barışa Pivot oluşturduk. Bu yeni Soğuk Savaş kontrol edilemez bir hal aldı ve derhal sona ermesi gerekiyor.

ABD ile Çin arasındaki işbirliğine ve karşılıklı saygıya olanak tanıyan bir siyasetin yararları hakkında kamuoyunu eğitmek ve harekete geçirmek için Barışa Pivot adlı yeni bir çaba başlattık.

Barışa Pivot, asker gazileri, kamu işçileri, profesörler, sağlık profesyonelleri, kamu görevlileri, hukuk profesyonelleri ve ülkemiz ile Çin arasındaki ilişkilerin geleceğinden endişe duyan diğer herkesin oluşturduğu bir koalisyondur. Küresel çatışmaya doğru tırmanışı reddediyoruz ve bunun yerine Çin ile barış ve işbirliğini teşvik ediyoruz. Biz, Çin ve onun ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasi ilişkileri hakkında bilginin, ABD anaakım medyasının çoğunluğuna egemen olan önyargı ve çarpıklıklardan arındırılmış olarak adil ve açık iletişimine inanıyoruz. Korku tellallığı, eski ırkçı önyargıların ve Soğuk Savaş dönemi siyasi umacılığının yeniden canlandırılmasından ziyade, gerçeklere ve kanıtlara dayalı açık görüş alışverişini destekliyoruz. Barış ve refah için destek sağlamak ve hem Amerikan, hem de Çin halkı için karşılıklı yarar sağlayan bir kalkınmanın ortak bir geleceğini inşa etmek istiyoruz. Ülkelerimiz arasında dostluk ve karşlılıklı etkileşimin bu geleceğe ulaşacak en iyi yol olduğuna inanıyoruz.

Initial Signers of the Pivot to Peace Mission Statement

Maxine Hong Kingston, Chinese American author and Professor Emerita at the University of California, Berkeley

Julie M. Tang, retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Co-Chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition

Lillian Sing, retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Co-Chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition

Ding Bong Lee, President of the San Francisco Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

Raymond He,  Past President, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

San Francisco Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

 Ding Lee, President of Ning Yung Benevolent Association

 Steve Ball, President of Hop Wo Benevolent Association

 ZH Zeng, President of Kong Chow Benevolent Association

 Dong S He, President of Yeong Wo Benevolent Association

 G Zhang, President of Sam Yup Benevolent Association

 Xiao Ting, President of Yan Woo Benevolent Association

 Yong J Lee, President of Lee Family Association

Sing Yee Tong,  Pu An Lee President

Feng Yee Tong, Shu R Lee President

Lily Lo, Director of Be Chinatown  

Vincent Zheng, President of Dong Sam Sang Tong

Jack Fong, President of the Chinese Athletic Association 

Jenny Xu, President ofChinese Women’s Association  

Kim Min Ong, President of Ong Ko Met Family Association 

Wing H Lau, President of Ying On Merchant Association 

Bill Lee President of Yau Kung Moon Kung Fu Association  

Kevin Chan, Chinatown business Owner,  Fortune Cookie Factory

Henry Der Former Executive Director of Chinese for Affirmative Action 

 Ling Chi Wang, retired Chair of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley 

Peter Chi, Board Chair of the Committee to Promote Reunification of China

Chark Lui, Assistant Chair of the Committee to Promote Reunification of China

Karen Korematsu of the Fred Korematsu Institute

Rita Semel, Founder of the San Francisco Interfaith Council

Reverend Amos Brown, President of San Francisco NAACP and Pastor of Third Baptist Church

Eric Mar, former San Francisco County Supervisor, District 1, and Professor of Asian and Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University

Ying Ying Chang, author, retired Biochemist at University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and mother of the late Iris Chang

Oliver Stone, American Film Director, Producer and Writer 

Peter Kuznick, Professor of History; Director Nuclear Studies Institute, American University

Col. Ann Wright, retired US Army colonel, retired US State Department official

John Pilger, Filmmaker and journalist 

Doug Henwood, Economic Journalist

Ken Hammond, Professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University

Chinese Americans for Peace

Hiroyuki Yamamoto, General Secretary, International Labor Solidarity Committee of National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba)

Mel Lee, Board President of San Francisco Chinese Hospital 

Corey Robin, Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College

Bruno Bosteels, Professor of Latin American and Iberian Studies and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University

Rebecca Karl, Professor of History, New York University

George Ciccariello-Maher, Decolonizing Humanities Project, College of William and Mary

Elisabeth Anker, Associate Professor of Political Science and American Studies, George Washington University

Christian Sorace, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Colorado College

Lori Marso, Stone Professor of Modern Literary and Historical Studies and Professor of Political Science, Union College

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Constitutional Rights Lawyer 

Gilbert Chang, founding Chair of Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War

Vickie Chen retired CFO Moody National Bank Texas

Jill Stein, MD, 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominee

Abby Martin, Journalist and Producer The Empire Files

Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director, AJ Muste Institute

Brian Becker, National Director, ANSWER Coalition

Camilo Mejia, Member of About Face: Veterans Against War, and author

Qiao Collective

Chuck O’Connell, Emeritus Lecturer in Sociology, University of California, Irvine

Claudia Chaufan, MD, Ph.D, Associate Professor, York University 

Barbara Applebaum, Professor, Syracuse University

Wayne Au, Professor, University of Washington Bothell

William Ayers, Retired Distinguished Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago

Liza Featherstone, Journalist

Gregory Bourassa, Assistant Professor, University of Northern Iowa

Zachary A. Casey, Associate Professor, Rhodes College

Donna-Marie Cole-Malott, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Higher Education at the Pennsylvania Department of Education

Rebekah A. Cordova, University of Florida

Noah De Lissovoy, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Medea Benjamin, Co-founder CodePink

Bernardine Dohrn, Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern University

Nirmala Erevelles, Ph.D, Professor, University of Alabama

Derek R. Ford, Assistant Professor, DePauw University

Tyson E. Lewis, Professor, University of North Texas

Jodi Dean, Professor of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

James Martel, Professor of Political Science, San Francisco State University

Paul A. Passavant, Associate Professor of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Hannah Dickinson, Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Peter McLaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Chapman University

Sarah Pfohl, Assistant Professor, University of Indianapolis

Jason Wozniak, Assistant Professor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

K.J. Noh, Journalist, Scholar, Peace Activist

Michael Wong, Veterans for Peace

Curry Malott, Associate Professor, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Allen Chen retired Professor, National Ocean University of Taiwan

Gordon H. Chang, Professor, Stanford University

Sheila Xiao, California Community College Research Analyst

Shirley Chen, Architect

Jerry Chen, Founding Chair of Chinese American Cultural Society

 Robert G. Lee, Professor of American Studies, Brown University

Geoffrey Brown, Former San Francisco Public Defender

Charmaine Chua, Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

The People’s Forum

George T. Chopellas, retired Judge

Peter Wong, Ying On Association Elder

 Yang Chang Cheng, President of the Fujian Business Association of America

Gerry Condon, Immediate Past National President of Veterans for Peace

John Kim, Veterans for Peace

Reverend Norman Fong, retired Executive Director of the Chinatown Community Development Center

Kevin Zeese, Popular Resistance

Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance

Veterans for Peace, East Bay Chapter 162

Don M. Tow, President of New Jersey Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia

Ann Santee, Vice President of New Jersey Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia

James Santee, Veteran

Thomas Grace, Professor at State University of New York, Buffalo

Anne Gerritsen Professor at Warwick University

Thomas Golden, retired Law Professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Willie Baptist, University of the Poor

Bei-Lok Hu, Professor of Physics, University of Maryland

Dah Jen Liu, Writer (Taiwan)

Christine Ahn, Executive Director of Women Cross the DMZ

Alice Lai Bitker, former President of Alameda County Board of Supervisor